Breathe On

Black Business, Arts, and Education

May 20, 2024

Ed Dwight, America’s first Black astronaut candidate, finally rocketed into space 60 years later, flying with Jeff Bezos’ rocket company on Sunday. Dwight was an Air Force pilot when President John F. Kennedy championed him as a candidate ...

During the early 1980s, Jawanza Kunjufu, an African American educational consultant, mentor and author, emerged as one of the first educators to take aim at Black male achievement, addressing the system’s flaws and encouraging us to ...

President Biden delivers
commencement speech at Morehouse College

According to Wu-Tang member Cappadonna, PEACE stands for Proper Education Corrects Errors. The Staten Island native made a guest appearance alongside Gerald “GB” Barclay at Cape Fear Community College during the Cinemixer, the opening ...

A new survey by Goldman Sachs’ One Million Black Women (OMBW) initiative, unveiled on May 16, has shed light on the entrepreneurial aspirations of Black women across America. The study’s findings reveal that 6 out of every 10 Black women ...

Some of the nation’s most prominent Black political leaders and advocates celebrated the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education Friday by calling for more to be done to end present-day segregation.  Many Black leaders have ...

In recent years, Black-owned businesses have grown at the fastest pace in 30 years. However, despite growing optimism, the path to success for Black entrepreneurs is still paved with systematic barriers in 2024. In addition to the regular pressures ...